Cookie policy

Last modified on: 11/09/2023


General (the „Website”) uses cookies to distinguish you from other users. In addition, by using cookies, We can provide you with a better experience and improve our Website and services by better understanding how you use them. To the extent that these cookies are not strictly necessary for the provision of our Website, We will ask you to consent to their use.

Contact details

Our Website is provided and operated by Exion Hydrogen („We/Our”).

We are registered in Poland, under registration number 0000632391 and our registered office is located at Ku Ujściu 19, 80-701 Gdańsk.

We are also registered in Belgium, under registration number and our registered office is located at Slachthuisstraat 120, bus 12, 2300 Turnhout

You can contact us:

  • by post, to [the postal address mentioned above];
  • via the contact form on our website;
  • by telephone, at +3214 919 919 (Belgium) / +48 58 888 27 50 (Poland) or
  • by e-mail, using

How does our Website use cookies and what types of cookies are there?

Our Website may place certain First party cookies on your computer or device and access them. First party cookies are cookies placed directly by Us and are only used by Us. We use cookies to make Our Website work technically and to facilitate and improve your experience.

By using our Website, you may also receive certain third party cookies on your computer or device (Third party Cookies). Third party cookies are cookies that are placed by websites, services and/or parties other than Us.

For more information about the personal data We collect and use, the measures We have taken to protect personal data, your legal rights and Our legal obligations, please refer to the Privacy Statement on this Website.

We have carefully selected all cookies and have taken steps to ensure that your privacy and personal data are protected and respected at all times. All cookies on our Website are used in accordance with current cookie legislation.

What cookies does our Website use?

Consent and retaining control

Cookies are placed on your computer or device, you will receive a pop-up that asks your permission to set these cookies. By giving your consent for cookies to be placed on your computer or device, you enable Us to provide you with the best possible experience and service. However, you may, if you wish, refuse permission to place cookies, unless they are strictly necessary. You can return to your Cookie preferences at any time to view and/or change them by clicking on the icon in the left bottom corner of the website.


We may change this Cookie Policy at any time. You are therefore advised to check this page from time to time.

Your rights and information regarding processing of personal data

Some rights are complex and not all details are included here. Therefore, please read the relevant provisions and guidelines of supervisory authorities for a full explanation of these rights.

Your most important rights under the GDPR are:

  • the right of access;
  • the right to rectification;
  • the right to erasure (right to be forgotten);
  • the right to restriction;
  • the right to object;
  • the right to data portability;
  • the right to complain to a supervisory authority, and
  • the right to revoke your consent.

The exercise of these rights is in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Statement. More information on privacy, data protection and your rights can be found in the Privacy Statement.

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Międzynarodowe standardy

✔️ ISO 22734-1:2008 Generatory wodoru wykorzystujące proces elektrolizy wody – Część 1: Zastosowania przemysłowe i komercyjne

✔️ IEC 60204-1:2005 Bezpieczeństwo maszyn – wyposażenie elektryczne maszyn – część 1: wymagania ogólne

✔️ IEC 61439-1:2011 Rozdzielnice i sterownice niskonapięciowe – część 1: wymagania ogólne

✔️ IEC 61439-2:2011 Rozdzielnice i sterownice niskonapięciowe– część 2: zespoły rozdzielnic i sterownic

✔️ IEC 60634-5-52:2009 Dobór i montaż urządzeń elektrycznych – systemy okablowania

✔️ IEC 61000-6-2:2005 EMC Część 6.2 Normy ogólne – odporność na środowiska przemysłowe

✔️ IEC 61000-6-4:2006 EMC część 6.4 normy ogólne – norma emisji dla środowisk przemysłowych

✔️ EN 50160:2019 Charakterystyka napięciowa elektryczności dostarczanej przez publiczne sieci elektroenergetyczne

✔️ ISO 12944-5:2018 Farby i lakiery. Ochrona przed korozją konstrukcji stalowych za pomocą powłok malarskich

✔️ Norma ASME kotły i zbiorniki ciśnieniowe, sekcja VIII Div 1 – ASME B31.3 Rurociągi procesowe – Norma dotycząca usterek konserwacyjnych i dróg ewakuacyjnych

Dyrektywy Europejskie

✔️ Dyrektywa Maszynowa 2006/42/EC

✔️ Dyrektywa Niskonapięciowa 2014/35/EU

✔️ ATEX 2014/34/EU

✔️ Kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna 2014/30/EU

✔️ Dyrektywa dotycząca urządzeń ciśnieniowych 2014/68/EU (PED)